When Apex Legends came out earlier this year, people were astonished that it quickly became more popular than Fortnite. But what they didn’t know was that there are other games that have been competing with Fortnite for over a year, and others, that are slowly rising up to claim that number one spot. Let’s take a look at these 12 games to play when you need a break from Fortnite.
League of Legends – 30 million daily players

League of Legends is currently the single most popular online PC game, and probably will be for the foreseeable future. Recent news states that League of Legend has almost 30 million daily players! But that was stats from before a new gametype called Teamfight Tactics came out. In June 2019, Teamfight Tactics was the most popular game streaming on Twitch. So chances are, it has gained many more players.
Minecraft – 100 million players each month

Everyone and their nephew have played this game. You may say, well everyone has played Tetris too. But the fact of the matter is, millions of people are still playing Minecraft daily. According to Business Insider, Minecraft still has almost 100 million players each month. That makes it the most popular video game in history.
World of Warcraft – Still going after 15 years

Since its release in 2004, World of Warcraft has gained millions of hardcore fans. When the Warcraft movie came out in 2016, millions more joined the circus when the box office hit brought in over $400,000,000. To date, there have been 18 Warcraft games, with the newest release being Warcraft III: Reforge. People have yet to let up!
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft – 100 million registered players

Hearthstone is a free-to-play Blizzard-owned CCG. Released in 2014, the game quickly gained millions of fans who had been playing World of Warcraft for ages. Many people enjoy Hearthstone due to the fact that it is more laidback than most other online games. It it’s first four years, the game had 100 million registered players. That’s quite a lot for a simple card game.